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get some trim
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get some big leg
get some brown (sugar)
get some cock
get some cold cock
get some cunt
get some goose
get some leg
get some mud for the duck
get some nookie
get some pussy
get some quim
get some round eye
get some self
get some slickem on your hangdown
get some soft leg
get some tail
get someone into the cot
get someone off
get spliced
get stabbed in the thigh
get stiffed
get stuffed
get taken in
get the better of
get the eye
get the leg over
get the rent
get the sugar stick
get the upshot
get the wind up
get there
get some brown (sugar)
get some cock
get some cold cock
get some cunt
get some goose
get some leg
get some mud for the duck
get some nookie
get some pussy
get some quim
get some round eye
get some self
get some slickem on your hangdown
get some soft leg
get some tail
get some trim
get someone in troubleget someone into the cot
get someone off
get spliced
get stabbed in the thigh
get stiffed
get stuffed
get taken in
get the better of
get the eye
get the leg over
get the rent
get the sugar stick
get the upshot
get the wind up
get there